Paths to Enlightenment

Dharma Lectures

Given by our Founder
- Ven. Wei Chueh



Abide in the Mahayana Mind

Abiding in the Mahayana mind helps the self; skillfully employing expedient means helps others. By using various expedients, we can teach and guide countless sentient beings to the Mahayana mind. 


From Bodhi Mind to Ultimate Enlightenment

If we observe the pure precepts and awaken to the bodhi mind, integrating practice and principle, we are then in accord with the way of the great bodhisattvas. In the future, we will surely attain perfect enlightenment, truly benefiting ourselves and all others. 


Gradual Cultivation and Sudden Enlightenment

It may seem that gradual cultivation and sudden enlightenment are very different methods, but in fact they are interrelated and even complementary practices. 


Buddhism and Vegetarianism

The spirit of Buddhism is compassion and equality. To embody this spirit, first, we must not kill; second, we must save and protect lives; third, we must practice vegetarianism. If we accomplish all three, our compassionate mind will manifest, and a compassionate mind is the Buddha’s mind.