Visit Us



Can I come and pay a visit?

Yes. We are open every day from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Please sign in at the reception upon arrival.


What is the proper attire?​

Clothes that are loose and comfortable but modest and appropriate with shoulders and belly covered. Long-sleeved tops and full-length pants rather than shorts are recommended.

Socks are required inside the Meditation Hall.


Is there anything I should avoid during the visit?

No smoking, alcohol, or pets on the premises.


I don't want to be offensive. How can I pay respect?

Buddhist monks and nuns are celibate and avoid bodily contact in general (especially with the opposite sex). So instead of shaking hands, we greet one another by joining palms.

Give it a little time: visiting a Buddhist monastery is like taking a trip to a foreign land, full of history, culture, and tradition. Give yourself a little time; to settle in and get adjusted. You'll learn some Buddhist etiquette during the class.