Immerse in the Peaceful Assembly


One-hour Guided Meditation

Experience our inner peace for just an hour!

In this one-hour meditation session, we offer a general overview of the classes of the monastery and step-by-step instructions in the purpose and basic skills of sitting meditation.


No Prerequisites. Please feel free to drop in or sign up online.

Meditation Retreats

Half day and one day retreats are held monthly. In order to improve the quality of the meditation, participants are required to wear meditation suits and attend all sessions of the retreat. Please arrive early to allow some time to sign in as well.

Prerequisites: Completion of Level 1. 

Weekly Service

Weekly Services are held every Sunday morning except when there is a monthly ceremony. We chant the Diamond Sutra (or the Medicine Buddha Sutra during Summer Retreat) as a group. Participants can benefit from regular group practice and mirror the same diligence at individual level.


No prerequisites. Please feel free to drop in.

Monthly Ceremony

Ceremonies are held once a month on Sunday. Each ceremony is based on a particular sutra, but they all have a standard format. Instructions will be given in both Chinese and English. The ceremonies consist of many elements, and newcomers may not be familiar with the rituals. Therefore, a general description is provided here.
